feb 13, 2025

Joanns is bankrupt again, and closing so many stores--and i'm SOOOO sad about it!! I think every time a brick and mortar store closes, even if it's a big company, we still lose something. Now an entire population of hobbyists is going to have to buy products for their art online, taking away the ability to touch and feel material out of the equation. Taking away the ability to speak to a human about a passion project, or their experience. Taking away the ability to address concerns with a real life person and not a virtual chatbot or telephone menu. I'm pissed and think it's a huge loss.

However!!! Not all is doom and gloom in craft land. I just found out about: CRAFT REUSE STORES!!

There's one near me, and I think it's fucking awesome. Need just 1 hook and eye instead of a pack of 100? You can get that there! Want to use acrylic yarn someone else already bought instead of buying a new skein and generating more plastic waste? You can get it there! The one near me also has bolts of fabric, as well as pre-cut and pre-measured pieces and scraps from other peoples' projects. Even electronics, stuff for scrapbooking, used notebooks--they're SUCH a cool resource, and someone has taken the time to put together a comprehensive list, at this website here:

How to Find a Crafting/Sewing Reuse Store near You!

They're obviously very limited and will not be able to replace Joanns, but if you're planning a big project and have the time it might be worth it to seek out one of these! They won't necessarily have exactly what you need, but personally I get a little extra enjoyment from that forced creative problem solving!

feb 4, 2025



it's so gooooooood

Favs so far:

Can't Beat My Ol' Beater

Too Ugly to Hitchhike

You Can't Dance